Palisade Roofing Blountville Tennessee



Ready for an upgrade? Consider a metal roof to replace your shingle roof. Our metal roofing specialists can guide you in making the best decisions for your home or business.



metal roof replacement

Top-Rated Metal Roof Installation Contractor

Investing in a roof replacement in Bristol might not be the flashiest way to spend your money, but it’s undoubtedly one of the wisest. It’s about safeguarding your sanctuary and everything within it that you hold dear.

At Palisade Roofing, we understand the importance of this essential home upgrade, and we're here to make the process as smooth and reassuring as possible. By choosing us for your roof replacement, you'll gain peace of mind with:

  • Superior Installation Quality: We ensure every shingle, nail, and seal is placed with precision and care.
  • Robust Warranties: Our commitment to your home's protection is long-term, just like our warranties.
  • Always-there Service: From the first consultation to the final inspection, we’re here to help and guide you.

Rest assured, we’re not just in the business of roofs—we’re in the business of keeping you covered.

Top It Off: Mastering Metal Roof Replacement with Style

At Palisade Roofing, we recognize the daunting thought of needing a metal roof replacement in Bristol, Johnson City, Kingsport, or Blountville, TN. Our straightforward and sincere team is here to ease your concerns. We're dedicated to providing you with the most informed and honest advice about metal roofing installation and replacement.

If a full metal roof replacement isn't necessary, we promise not to push you towards it. However, if a new metal roof is the wisest investment for your home and budget, you can trust that we'll guide you through every step with clarity and care, ensuring you make the best decisions for your peace of mind.


Proudly Serving Areas In The Northeastern Tennessee Tri-Cities Region

Metal Roofing FAQs

  • What are the benefits of choosing a metal roof over traditional roofing materials in Bristol, TN?

    Benefits of Choosing a Metal Roof in Bristol, TN:

    • Durability: Metal roofs are known for their exceptional durability, often lasting 50 years or more with minimal maintenance.
    • Weather Resistance: They can withstand severe weather conditions, including heavy rain, hail, and high winds, which is crucial in a region like Bristol, TN, that may experience diverse weather.
    • Energy Efficiency: Metal roofs reflect solar radiant heat, which can reduce cooling costs by 10-25%, making them an energy-efficient option for homeowners.
    • Aesthetic Versatility: Available in a variety of styles and colors, metal roofs can complement any architectural design, enhancing your home’s curb appeal.
    • Eco-Friendly: Most metal roofing materials are 100% recyclable at the end of their life, making them a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious consumers.
  • How long can I expect a metal roof installed in Bristol, TN, to last compared to shingles?

    Longevity of Metal Roofing Compared to Shingles:

    A metal roof can last anywhere from 40 to 70 years, depending on the material. In contrast, traditional asphalt shingle roofs typically last about 20 to 30 years. This makes metal roofing a more cost-effective solution in the long term due to its longevity and lower need for repairs and replacement.

  • What's the cost difference between metal roofing and other types of roofs in Bristol, TN?

    Cost Difference Between Metal Roofing and Other Roofs:

    Initially, metal roofing can be more expensive than traditional shingle roofing — often two to three times higher. However, the long-term savings on maintenance, repairs, and energy bills, along with the potential increase in home value, can offset the initial investment, making metal roofing a financially wise choice over time.

  • Can a metal roof increase the value of my home in Bristol, TN?

    Impact of Metal Roof on Home Value in Bristol, TN:

    Installing a metal roof can significantly increase your home’s resale value. It also makes your property more attractive to potential buyers, thanks to its durability, energy efficiency, and minimal maintenance requirements. Homeowners can expect to recoup a substantial portion of their investment in a metal roof when they sell their home.

  • Are metal roofs more energy-efficient and how will that impact my energy bills in Bristol, TN?

    Energy Efficiency of Metal Roofs and Impact on Energy Bills:

    Metal roofs are highly energy-efficient due to their ability to reflect solar heat, which can help keep your home cooler in the summer and reduce the need for air conditioning. 

    This reflective property can lead to noticeable savings on your energy bills, especially during the hot summer months in Bristol, TN. 

    Additionally, some metal roofing is compatible with solar panel installations, further enhancing its energy-saving potential.

Upgrade with Confidence:

Expert Metal Roof Replacement in Bristol, TN

Metal roofs, when expertly installed by seasoned contractors like those at Palisade Roofing, don't just elevate your home's aesthetic appeal; they transform it into a fortress. With a lifespan extending well beyond 50 years, metal roofs shun the common pitfalls of aging shingle roofs—no more water leaks, mold threats, or escalating energy costs.

Choosing metal roofing means investing in unmatched durability against the elements, significant energy savings thanks to its reflective properties, and, above all, unparalleled peace of mind. Embrace the change with Palisade Roofing, where we're not just installing a roof; we're ensuring your home remains the sanctuary it's meant to be, with metal roofing installation, repairs, and replacement services that set the standard.

Group 4

"Christian is very professional and responsive, and his crew did quality work. The pricing was the best from the several quotes we received, and Christian went above and beyond to come out a second time after our initial quote to take pictures for us to send to insurance to help with our wind damage claim. We’re very happy with our new roof! Highly recommend!"

Gracie Edwards

Group 4

“Christian gave us a quote, stuck to the price and did a fantastic job. The crew started when he said they would be there, and they worked very hard to do a beautiful job. Even the clean up they did was great! Thank you Palisade Roofing!"

Chris D.

Group 4

“Christian was always professional and did what he said he would do when he said he would do it. He also beat other companies by a significant amount on pricing. We have and will continue to recommend them to anyone needing a new roof. Metal or shingle they can take care of you." 

Thomas Bowers

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